How We Can Help

Our Programs

Have a need? Call Love INC. The first thing you’ll hear is the voice of a caring, well equipped volunteer from one of our partner churches. A volunteer who will take the time to listen and care for you; who will inquire about the presenting need, but also explore the broader context of your situation. Everything we do revolves around relationships because Love INC isn’t just about meeting needs, it’s about meeting people where they are at, and helping them achieve their God-given potential. Here are a few of the ways we do that in our community.

East County Care Center
Gap Minsitries
Coming: Transformation Classes, Coaching, and Mentoring
Care Navigation

East County Care Center

The Love INC EMC Care Center (aka Clearinghouse), will take many requests for help each year. These calls will be answered by caring volunteers who listen to understand people’s situations and direct them to the most appropriate source of help. This can mean a referral to an area agency or services provided by area churches and volunteers through our Care Network.

Care Navigation

Our Care Navigators (CN) offer tailored connection services to our participants, linking them to appropriate programs and resources within the East County Care Network (ECCN)


A variety of classes offer learning opportunities around an array of topics, from Bible studies to budgeting. These classes allow Love INC families to engage with a facilitator and other class members in order to grow mentally and spiritually.

Gap Ministries

Love INC helps churches build ministries to fill the gaps in services by identifying needs in the community unmet by the Church. From baby cribs to job readiness programs, we help churches organize services and products to meet real needs without duplicating existing resources. Yet, what is offered is much more than products and services, our relational approach ensures that each person is seen as an individual and offered prayer, encouragement, and ongoing connection.

Prayer Requests

Prayer is an integral part of who we are. Before we start our day, our meetings, or answer any phone calls… we pray. This gives God the opportunity to guide us on what He wants us to do. And we’re never disappointed. Would you like someone to pray for or with you? Submit your prayer request here.